Wednesday, October 11, 2006

25 Flowers

Its a rainy day in the NYC, and I just feel like writing about a bunch of things that will probably only make sense to me. Take this picture.. for some reason its become my pride and joy and its because its the thought of exploring a completely different career path. I know nothing about nothing when it comes to photography.. and really can't give up the day job to explore the freelancing world of bountiful photographers.. but this picture lets me live in that world.
I think it represents to me at least... figuring out what the hell we are doing at age 25. Mellow-dramatic.. maybe a scoach, but I sure as hell know that I don't have it figured out, as much as I would like to tell myself that I do. So in the meantime, while I pretend to go on and know what I'm doing.. I just keep looking at this picture to remind myself that one day...maybe one day- I'll actually get to live in that fantasy world I like to escape to.